Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Stan Appears on Hardball Twice Re: Foley Fallout

Stan appeared on Hardball with Chris Matthews both Thursday, October 5 and Tuesday, October 10, discussing the Foley matter. Here's a snippet from his first appearance:

MATTHEWS: We‘ve got computers here on HARDBALL where I can tell everything anybody has said for weeks. LexisNexis, Google, we can find—we have ways, we have our own transcript system. Most of the programs on television, all the news programs have transcripts. You can dig up all this stuff.

BRAND: That‘s what they‘ve said publicly. You don‘t what they have said in the cloakroom, among each other, to other people with witnesses present. That is why the Republicans are having difficulty.

MATTHEWS: You‘re paid by the hour, aren‘t you?

BRAND: Yes, absolutely.

MATTHEWS: So you like this to be an extensive process?

BRAND: No, I just think to get the facts of who knew what, when, takes a long time.


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