Thursday, May 27, 2010

Stan re: Sestak and the White House in Mother Jones

Back in February, Joe Sestak told reporters that the White House had once offered him a federal job as an inducement not to run against Arlen Specter in the Democratic primary race for Pennsylvania's senate seat. Since then Sestak has refused to talk further about the matter and so has the White House. Republicans have tried to make hay out of this, but Stan Brand, a Washington lawyer who specializes in ethics matters, tells David Corn today that it's virtually certain that nothing illegal took place:

Though he dismisses Issa's pursuit of Sestakgate, Brand says that White House actions are keeping the scandal alive: "Gibbs dissembling doesn't help them. Don't be defensive about it. Just say this is what goes on. They're looking guilty over something that isn't illegal." He adds: "That's not the first time that this has happened."


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